martes, 2 de junio de 2015

E X A M P L E S of Gratitude:

-Do something little but thoughtful for them—like clean up after Thanksgiving dinner!

-Give a long, intimate hug; or if you know they don’t like hugs, stick out your hand for a handshake to cater to their preferences and make them smile.

-Tell them you’re there if they have anything they want to talk about—and let them know they have your full attention.

-Give them something of yours that you think they would enjoy, and let them know specifically why you want them to have it.

-Invite them to do something you know they’ve always wanted to do.

-Encourage them to try something you know they want to try, but haven’t yet because they’re scared.

-Offer to do something you know they don’t enjoy doing, like organizing their closet or mowing their lawn.

-Compliment them on a talent, skill, or strength that you admire.

-Look them straight in the eyes and say, “You make the world a better place.”

For we this character strenght is important because say tanks, please and only smile this kind of thing open you a lot of door in oyur life.

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